Honest Homes

The take off canvas area showing a measurement drawning
Honest Homes
7 months
Lead UX
CEO, Junior UX
How I Helped
Developed brand and managed discovery and design to find product/market fit
Design thinking boosts startups product-market strategy


In London the lettings process can get time consuming. Tenants forever trawling online listings and booking inspections, only to feel disappointed when the property doesn't match their expectations. Often, landlords or agents aren't fully aware of potential tenants individual needs.


Honest Homes' goal was to improve the lettings process by offering better quality inspections, with more accurate listings.

Pic of sticky note saying 'To bring trust back to the property market'

My Approach

From inception of the proposition to the protoype I worked as a partner of the startup,: I ran a brand workshop with the co-founder to develop the brand identity 'Honest Homes' and also managed a junior ux to run in depth user interviews with potential users, that culminated in a series of personas and the initial protoype for testing.

Diagram of my discovery and design process
Screenshot of two personas based on data gathered from user research. Personas shown are 'Greg' the constant mover and 'Nicole' the overseas worker
Visual of the protoype of the app showing results screen of property matches as a traffic light system. With green being highest match property to red being lowest match properties

User Testing

Valuable learnings came from the usability testing: 'Honesty' as a proposition had mixed results: some users were cynical to the claim, some were re-assured. The property match feature  resonated well;  we learnt  incorporating 'deal breaker' criteria (i.e 'good light' or 'safe neighbourhood') would set it apart from competitors.

Key Insight 1:
While 'honesty' as a proposition holds validity, user reactions to this claim vary based on past experiences, with some feeling cynical and others reassured.
Key Insight 2:
The product's strength lies in its ability to identify 'dealbreakers,' enabling renters to save time on in-person property viewings.
Few visuals of the protoype displaying a property match.


The co-founder found merit in having a ux designer work so close with them and educate them on design thinking. It built the function into the top level of their company, to carry them forward as they began their journey on finding product market fit.

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Let's Talk

I live and work in Melbourne with full work rights. Ask me for my resume.