Researching Suncorp Insurance Packages

The take off canvas area showing a measurement drawning
TAL Life
4 months
Lead UX
Marketing Team, Insurance Product Team, Design Lead
How I Helped
Recruited participants and tested future state bundling options
Transformed product to a more successful outcome.


Following TAL's acquisition of Suncorp’s Income Protection and Life Insurance portfolio, TAL aimed to create a product that catered to customer needs and aligned with Suncorp’s branding and segmentation. The challenge: Deliver both the MVP and the future state experience in just 6 months.

Key Challenges

Decoding Custom Package Integration

Focus group research by an external partner for TAL revealed that customers wanted customisable income protection packages. However, these packages, detailed below, had not been tested in an online journey.

The untested future state product packages

My Approach


My hypothesis was that customers would require visible pricing on income protection packages to make an informed choice. To test this, I sketched out various workflows to better understand the available options.

Sketching ideas for protoype to test

Design Lead Collaboration Shapes User Path

In the next phase, I enhanced the fidelity of key screens and mapped out user journeys for selected routes on a whiteboard. After reviewing these with my design lead, we agreed on a prototype for testing. We chose to initially display the packages without prices, then generate pricing after users answered questions about their income, guiding them to make a choice.

Whiteboarding the User Journey

Two-Day Prototype Testing

Over two days, we tested the prototype with six participants recruited through a user platform. We targeted individuals who either had income protection or had researched it within the last 3-6 months. The test began with a brief discussion about their needs, followed by a walkthrough of the quote journey prototype.

The packages to test
Screen from prototype of Eligibility section

Key Insights

We found that people select income protection based on one or two key features relevant to their current life stage. When a product offers the desired benefit, price becomes a secondary consideration. Based on this insight, I recommended presenting package options upfront without showing the price.

"I'd still go for Income Protection Plus, even without seeing a price, because I need family care benefit"
Annotating Prototype Screens With Participant Notes


The insights and recommendations informed the business's critical decision about the future of the Suncorp Income Protection Package, thereby saving significant investment by avoiding the rollout of a costly, less effective user experience.

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